Your monthly gift saves lives
After years as a steady plow horse, Barney became reluctant to work.
He no longer could walk the fields without tripping. He was hesitant to even leave the barn for fear of bumping into something. Cataracts were stripping him of his sight and Barney was slowly going blind!
To make matters worse, the farmer who owned Barney was not able to care for a horse that was not able to work. The man would be forced to send Barney to a livestock auction if someone were not willing to care for the 20-year-old-Belgian.
Other draft horses like Barney are in need of a soft place to land at the end of their working days.
The average cost of care for one horse, for one day, is $71.06. Your monthly gift will provide hay, grain, routine hoof care, and routine veterinarian care. Any amount goes directly to horse care.